The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) conducts strategic research from an Asia-Pacific perspective to encourage transition to decarbonised and sustainable societies.
Headquarters: Hayama, Japan
Established: 1998
IGES aims to achieve a new paradigm for civilization and conduct innovative policy development and strategic research for environmental measures, reflecting the results of research into political decisions for realising sustainable development both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally.
To contribute to the realization of a resilient and sustainable society, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, IGES engages in research and policy development activities focusing on, among others, climate change adaptation, including contributing to international negotiations at the UN Climate Conference by making policy proposals. Keeping abreast of global efforts on adaptation and identifying international policy needs, IGES works on priority issues on adaptation, including promotion of AP-PLAT, research on the integration of adaptation measures with disaster risk reduction measures, locally-led adaptation (LLA), nature-based solutions (NbS) and transboundary adaptation, among others. IGES play a leading role in capacity development under the AP-PLAT partnership.
Related Information
- # Organization/Network
- # Biodiversity/Ecosystem
- # Local Communities
- # Natural Disasters
- # Water Environment/Water Resources
- # Adaptation Action/implementation
- # Adaptation Planning/Policy
- # Capacity Building
- # Disaster Prevention/Disaster Mitigation
- # Education/Awareness/Information
- # Locally-led Adaptation
- # Nature-based Solutions
- # Participatory Approach
- # Asia
- # Japan